FML Part 2: Unhappy
When you look at your life, would you say that you are “happy” with it? Happiness is a fickle thing… it’s unstable. If things are going well, you’re happy if they aren’t, you’re not. Ever said, “Under the circumstances I am good…” obviously something funky was happening in your world. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just wish or pray all your bad circumstances away? Most often though, stressful things, trying people, bills, health issues, etc. don’t go away just because you wish them to.
Positive thinking is very important but alone they don’t do the trick. What positive thinking can do is strengthen you to make it until your change does come. Even if there is an element of “fake it until you make it.” And here’s why, persisting thoughts produce congruent language and creates a belief system. What we speak aloud, what we confess becomes our declaration. And what we declare, we establish within. What is established within will also manifest in our world. That’s the Law of Attraction.” Soooo, for those of you that aren’t familiar with the Law of Attraction, it is a “New Thought” philosophy brought to light by the film and book The Secret (Rhonda Byre, 2006). Who doesn’t want the power to create whatever they focus on? It’s not what you think that makes the difference, its howwww you think what you think… I know that sounds stretchy and it kind of is, but we are creators by nature. Obviously, the power is being intentional with your thought life. Grab “The Secret” it’s a fun read.
Did you know that the latest Psychological studies (by Queens University in Canada) show the average person has over 6,000 thoughts per day (Newsweek, July 15, 2020.) If you are like me, a creative, you tend to have wild-mind a lot and you find yourself bringing your thoughts under control several times each day. SELF-talk is huge! Most people don’t realize how much self-talk they actually do until they FOCUS on it. In 4SELF 101 we do an exercise with Self-Talk that may blow your mind. Something that is quite common is “double-mindedness.” Double-mindedness is deciding to go left and right at the same time. Crazy right? Let me explain, I’m going to offer you one of my own (and very personal) examples… I want to get married again one day… and then at the same time I don’t. This is classic because the idea of marriage is nice, in a rose-colored-glasses kind of way. You get - not to be lonely, intimacy, being part of a team, financial perks, a house, picket fence and … whatever. But then subconsciously I loathe the idea of arguments, having to discuss and get approval from my partner for my decisions, being responsible to another person, cleaning up after, cooking for another and expectations, expectations, and uhhhh possibly divorce if we are not a good fit. The fear … of being misunderstood, rejection, and heartbreak of the latter screams “NOOOOO girl don’t do it!!!!” #Doublemindedness… And the Good Book says, if you are double-minded you should not expect ANY good thing because you are UNSTABLE in all your ways. The first part of getting happy is MAKING UP YOUR MIND and sticking to it. Of course, this can be difficult, especially if while you’re awake you crave a thing that subconsciously you’re running from. Essentially you place yoursSELF in a STALLED (neutral) position. You build a wall where HAPPINESS is just on the other side. Want to learn how to BREAK DOWN THAT WALL and how to move forward into happiness? Come back next week for: FML Part 3: STINKIN’ THINKIN.