Coming Out

I am a huge Superman fan. And there never was a Superman like Christopher Reeves. Don’t get me wrong Henry Cavil has my heart but, when you think of the man of steel… you can’t help but go back to Christopher. One of my most favorite scenes is when he was struggling to tell Lois Lane that he was more than the stumbling bumbling, stuttering all thumbs dude she knew. Beneath the corporate suit and glasses lay a treasure beyond measure.

Aaaaand that’s exactly how I feel when I wake up each morning, slap the snooze a couple of times before rolling out of the bed to clock in a “someone else’s” vision of the dream job. As an entrepreneur it’s harder than that… But I realize timing is everything… well that and using the wisdom to know when that time to move (!) has arrived.

Have you ever stepped out too quickly and things just didn’t work out. I have. Despite all the hoping and wishing and hard work, things just didn’t go the way I had hoped (sounds like most of my dating life, lol.) What a crushing blow that is. But even good can come from “seemingly” bad things. Did you know that a step backwards can actually be the way forward? Or … this may bake your noodle, actually sitting down instead of stepping out, may actually be the best way to proceed. OK, that may sound like mumbo jumbo to some of you all… but rock with me for just a moment.

Did you know that there is a realm, a dimension, a place that things exist but cannot be seen? Just because a thing cannot be seen, doesn’t mean it’s imaginary. But here’s the thing about imagination, we imagine our SELF living the life. We want to be actors and actresses, billionaires, maybe somewhere else in another (more beautiful) body. And then we live a sort of dissatisfied life because we feel like it’ll never happen or our efforts aren’t getting us fast enough. A dream or a “I hope with all my might” will always be fantasy until you take steps to get yourself there.

The reality, though, is some of our hopes and dreams were not meant for us. I know its a hard pill to swallow… ya might can sing, but you may never be an Ariana Grande or John Legend. But that’s not to say that you can’t rock the lane you were built for. You just have to find it. Yep and I’mma say it again, the way the picture begins to take form is by truly knowing who you are… not what “Momma nem” say, or your friends even… you have to get somewhere quiet and be alone with your SELF, hear your thoughts, dare I say, get to know your SELF. And knowing takes time, lots of time. If you want to find your destiny, learn what you were made for and a place to start… pick up my book 4SELF 101, there are some questions in there that draws your mind to the right place that helps you focus on the deeper issues.

Or don’t take my word for it. There are books and books out there that tells in great length how a journey or path lead them to their destiny. If you like to read, Check out this site:

My point is, don’t just sit and dream find a way to explore the possibilities. As you step out, seek wisdom, (and pray) journal, and don’t be paralyzed by the fact you’ve failed before, the timing may have not been right. But if you desire never goes away… there is a reason why. Don’t worry so much about “arriving” … just take a step. After all, a journey of a thousand miles starts with what… one step at a time. Besides, going to a place you’ve never been does take faith. And this is where faith and opportunity come together.