Monsters and Doors

Haunted Houses are fun right? You never know what you might find in the dark and cobwebbed rooms... creepy music, peeling paint, blood, and guts. Oooooo I shiver even now just thinking about it. Fun right... yeah, not so much when you live there. For the last couple of weeks we’ve been talking about the “house” of our body (mind and spirit), and the many rooms we have there that are filled with experiences that shadow our past, control how we think and act in the present and project themselves into our future and causes the “what if” type of fears. #Skeletons-in-our- closets that often torment us and keep us stuck.  

The huge misconception is that demons don’t exist... and that is why we lose, stay stuck, and aren’t progressing because you can’t fight (or exorcise) a figment of one’s imagination. To illustrate a common happening we all overlook:  

I knew someone... ok let me be honest, MY EX-HUSBAND, was afraid of the dark. When we were first married, he used to have NIGHTMARES. He’d toss and turn, and I would hear him laboring to call my name. And in the morning, I’d ask him... Dude, what were you dreaming? He said it was a dark figure (the devil) laughing at him and tormenting him AND HE COULDN’T WAKE UP. So, he would struggle to call my name so that I would hear him and wake him up. Creepy huh? And years later after we remarried (long story) I’d come home from hanging out with the girls to find every light in the house on... he was still scared of shadows and things that go bump in the night. Imagination, ghosts, or something moving in the night? Yes... all of it. Well, I can’t pick on him too much, I don’t like sleeping with my closet open.  

Speaking of doors, we’ve all seen those old scary movies where there was a huge creepy house with those long corridors that got longer and longer when the character was scared and walking through... There was always at least 1 room with a locked door – and the whole story was about finding out what was in there. And to tell the truth, many of us have had experiences that we’ve gotten through and refuse to go there again. So, we’ve locked the door (vowed to never reopen “that wound again”) and have gone on with our lives. But the problem is... there are demons (monsters) behind that door, which stay with you (subconsciously) until you deal with them – EXORCISE THEM.  

Let me give you a chilling fact... strong emotions that we let linger on and fester like:  

Anxiety, extreme fear, shame, envy or jealousy, lust, The Poverty Mindset, rejection, abuse, and extreme anger can open a door to monsters that can come in and control you. For instance, unforgiveness and anger morphs into, hatred, which morphs into wrath and revenge, and finally into... Murder. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re gonna “go postal” or Columbine... but most often people that have been emotionally attacked (where they felt like dying) often go on to do the same to others. My point is, when you experience emotional trauma (that you can't let go of) you open a “spiritual door” to monsters. Like Dracula, he couldn’t come into the house until the poor unsuspecting (and vulnerable) person invited him in (and then he had a “legal right” to dwell there.) Spirits, ghosts, and demons are the same way, it’s warm and cozy in that room... why leave unless forced to.  The problem is, they are there and will hinder your success and moving forward if you let them stay. Eventually, when the right circumstance presents itself, THEY WILL MANIFEST. And when they do, you will find yourself doing and saying things you didn’t intend to. Many of which, you can’t take back. Some people actually “lose time” and actually cannot remember what they did and said... if that’s you, it’s time to clean house. Now, I have to say... this is not something you can do by your ONESY. You must have help. So Imma give ALL of you an assignment. 1) Go back and read last week’s blog, it will give you steps to start. 2) Find someone (with credentials) to talk to such as a Therapist, Counselor, Life-Coach or a (real) Minister with experience in “deliverance ministry” to help you clean house and GET FREE and Lastly, Be Thankful that you have made it THUS far.  

And let that feeling of thankfulness and joy not only carry you into the rest of the holiday season but let it be the pathway for the rest of your life.  

Peace and love Anji