
Heyyy, sorry I’ve been away for a minute, thanx for rockin wit me. So today I’m starting a new series about that nasty four letter word… “L-O-V-E, love.

If I were to come up to you, look you straight in the eyes and say, “I love you…” I bet half of you would be “creeped out” and want to run and the other half might think sex is sure to follow. Why? I think it’s because there’s been a slow decay evolving love into some soupy, hot and nasty, goo that people are afraid to touch. And if they do touch it, they don’t want to hold onto it for any length of time because it may change their world in some negative way. The word love has become so common, it no longer holds sentimentality, honor or commitment of time or fidelity. In fact we do say, “It’s rare to find the kind of love that lasts for a lifetime.” I don’t think its hard to find that kind of love… I think it’s hard to find a person who has the capacity and fortitude to LOVE forever.

Honestly tho, we all have been born with a LOVE shaped hole in our hearts. WE ALL NEED (not just want) LOVE. And so many people who are impacted by loneliness go out looking for a way, a substance, something to fill that space. Its what I call a vacuum need. And its why dating sites are booming right now and bout to heat for real, for real with the holidays around the corner because loneliness is a real struggle when its freaking cold outside. OK, but the “Looking for love” part is a murky business, like a moat full of alligators – make a wrong step and you could be eaten alive. Surely you have catfish, and WHOREmongers looking for pray… wait, why did I just think of Killmonger from the movie “The Black Panther” (Marvel Studios, 2017) with a mark on his body for every person he’s killed? Well you’ve got those folks out there that use sex like that. Those are they that “get off” converting love into lust. In fact you can’t even watch anything anymore without some sort of sex in it. Sex is sooo common we hardly even notice that stuff anymore. That’s called desensitization.

Its funny, there are those who get… those who rarely get, and those who get got. But that is sex… not love. I mean sex is great but it’s become more powerful than love. Love is meant to last forever but it seems like the priority to FEEL GOOD has taken precedence over honor and commitment. The desire to love in that way has grown cold, while the prospect of various sexual experiences continues to get hotter and hotter. And that’s whats up when you’re young… but you won’t be young forever. Back to the “I love you” scenario at the beginning… I want you to do a little test. Ask yourself, what I would I feel at that moment and why? And then picture what you would you do? (And if you keep a journal write your responses down.) The reason I’m asking you this #1) it’s important to know about your own character especially regarding LOVE, and secondly it may point to some brokenness you may need to fix. Here’s the thing, most of us see “love” differently, and that is because of our experiences. If you’ve had toxic relationships you’re likely to see love as a hurtful thing. If you’ve been abused or hurt over and over again, you may have just turned off the whole feeling factory… just shut the doors, turned off the lights… like nobodies home. And for that person, love doesn’t exist. Love can be fickle, or a “many splendid thing”… but I suggest it’s not love that is jacked up – it’s how we handle it. Human beings have this tendency of defining things in order to them (and people.) And we’ve done that with love. Although love cannot be contained or controlled it’s not the wild fire LUST is. But we struggle to know the difference.

In the next coming weeks we’re gonna get down and dirty talking about love/lust and sex. Be here or be square… Same bat time (Saturday at 12 noon) and same channel...